Ufa, Tukaeva, 46/1




The Chinese investor plans to place the production of medical products in Bashkortostan

The Chinese investor plans to place the production of medical products in Bashkortostan

The Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan held a meeting with representatives of a Chinese company specializing in the production of heparin and medical products based on it. The investor is considering the possibility of localization of production in Bashkortostan, in particular, the special economic zone “Alga”. Here, the investor was attracted by the preferences provided to residents, as well as ready-made engineering infrastructure. On the part of the Republic of Bashkortostan, representatives of the regional Ministry of Industry, the Development Corporation and Roszdravnadzor participated in the meeting. Recall that China will become a partner country of the All-Russian Investment Sabantuy “Trans-Urals-2023”, which will be held from June 2 to 3 in the city of Sibai.

Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, commented on the meeting.

— During the conversation, Chinese colleagues drew attention to the attractiveness of the republic in terms of the raw material base, promising sales market and human resources potential. Now the main task for us is to select a site and determine the pool of suppliers of raw materials. Together with the relevant ministries, we will work out all these issues and move on to the next stage of negotiations with the investor,” Nail Gabbasov explained.

Following the results of the first round of negotiations, the guests expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation between the investor and the republican authorities within the framework of the project.