Ufa, Tukaeva, 46/1




Residents of the SEZ “Alga” and IP “Ufa” appreciated the quality of the work of the management company

Residents of the SEZ “Alga” and IP “Ufa” appreciated the quality of the work of the management company

Residents of the special economic zone “Alga” and the industrial park “Ufa” appreciated the quality of support for their investment projects by the Development Corporation – the management company of preferential zones. The results of the survey showed that as of April of this year, the average score was 4.74.

Working with residents of our preferential zones, the Corporation’s team strives to create all conditions for the development of their activities in our region. We constantly keep in touch with colleagues and are interested in their opinion about our work. Of course, we also take into account their comments and suggestions so that the quality of our services only improves in the future,” said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The survey was conducted by 13 residents who assessed the quality of the department’s work according to the following indicators: residents’ availability of free space at the investment infrastructure facility, satisfaction with the quality of engineering infrastructure and technical support, as well as the availability and effectiveness of the support measures provided for residents.
The survey participants emphasized the individual approach of the Corporation’s employees to their investment projects, as well as the efficiency of solving emerging issues.
For reference:
JSC “Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan” is an authorized organization of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the support of investment projects. Specialists accompany projects free of charge at all stages of their implementation ‒ from concept development to implementation and commissioning of facilities.
The team of the Development Corporation strives to ensure the most comfortable entry of an investor into the region. Working on the principle of “one window”, the Corporation minimizes the time for the preparation of documents that the initiator of the project must provide to the authorities and helps to resolve issues arising during the implementation of the investment project.
More detailed information about the services of the department can be found on the official website of the Development Corporation https://kr-rb.ru / or by phone +7 (347)214-90-70.