At a meeting of the Government of Bashkortostan under the leadership of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus Andrey Nazarov, the organization of recruitment and training of personnel for investment projects in the region implemented in the special economic zone “Alga” was discussed. The Prime Minister noted that the organization of recruitment and training of employees for enterprises of the special economic zone “Alga” is one of the examples of effective staffing.
– The total staffing requirement of two residents of the “Alga” zone (LLC “PO “Arcade” and LLC “Factory “ZASPORT”) is about 600 people, – said Andrey Nazarov. – Purposeful work on the recruitment of personnel for the Arcade began back in 2021, for the ZASPORT factory – last year. Currently, more than 370 people are employed at these 2 garment factories, including through retraining measures for unemployed citizens.
Lenara Ivanova, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan, reported in more detail about the current situation with the staffing of two residents of the SEZ “Alga” at a Government meeting.
– Our first step was to sign an action plan with each of the residents to train the necessary number of personnel, – the minister stressed. – The training of applicants who want to get a job at these 2 enterprises was organized by our subordinate institution – the Training Center of the State Employment Service. The training program “Operator of sewing equipment with digital software control” was conducted within the framework of the federal project “Employment Promotion” of the national project “Demography”. Recruitment of citizens for training was carried out by the forces of the Training Center itself, as well as the South-eastern interdistrict Employment Center in the cities of Sterlitamak, Salavat, Meleuz, Ishimbai, as well as in nearby areas. In total, 80 field meetings with the population and job fairs were held, in which 4.2 thousand citizens took part. Since 2021, 317 unemployed citizens have been trained in the direction of employment centers. Currently, 374 people are employed in the “Arcade”, 296 of whom have been trained in the profession of “Sewing production operator”, – Lenara Ivanova continued.
In 2023, the Ministry of Family and Labor of the Republic of Belarus will continue an active information campaign to attract citizens for employment in Arkada and ZASPORT, including as part of field events in settlements. Work will also continue on holding regular job fairs and open personnel selections – at least 20 such events are planned to be held this year.
As the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Nazarov noted, the attractiveness of the enterprise for potential employees to a certain extent depends on the conditions offered by the employer himself. First of all, we are talking about wages and a social package.
– In this regard, I ask the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population, together with the Administration of the Ishimbay district, the management of the Arkada and ZASPORT companies, to work out the issue of creating additional conditions to stimulate the employment of citizens, taking into account the need to maintain an appropriate balance. This year, the work on the selection and training of personnel at the enterprises of the SEZ “Alga” will need to be continued, ensuring the satisfaction of the remaining personnel needs, ” summed up the set of instructions following the consideration of the issue, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Nazarov.