Ufa, Tukaeva, 46/1




Bashkortostan Development Corporation has signed a cooperation agreement with one of the largest telecom operators in the republic

Bashkortostan Development Corporation has signed a cooperation agreement with one of the largest telecom operators in the republic

As part of the work of the investment project “Trans–Urals – 2022”, an agreement was signed between JSC “Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan” and PJSC “Bashinformsvyaz”. According to the document, the parties intend to exchange information on the development of proposals, provide each other with consulting support and organize a mutual exchange of experience within their own competencies.

– Digitalization is one of the essential directions in modern realities. The agreement signed today will help to significantly improve the quality of the implementation of projects that are supported by the Development Corporation, as well as contribute to the cooperation of business representatives for fruitful collaboration. This, in turn, will make our region more attractive to investors and more comfortable for residents,” said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Within the framework of the document, the parties to the Agreement agreed on cooperation in the development of joint action plans, assistance in cooperation with business entities, support for programs, projects and activities conducted and implemented in the territory of the special economic zone “Alga” and industrial parks in terms of the development and creation of digital services and products.

For reference:

JSC “Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan” is an authorized organization of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the support of investment projects on the principle of “one window”. Specialists accompany projects free of charge at all stages of their implementation ‒ from concept development to implementation and commissioning of facilities. Managers are ready to provide comprehensive support to all investors interested in developing their business in the Republic of Bashkortostan and become a reliable partner for them. More detailed information about the services of the department can be found on the official website of the Development Corporation https://kr-rb.ru / or by phone +7 (347)214-90-70.

PJSC Bashinformsvyaz is one of the largest telecom operators in the Ural region and the country. The headquarters of the company is located in Ufa. The largest shareholder of the company is PJSC Rostelecom.