Ufa, Tukaeva, 46/1




Bashkortostan and Belarus will cooperate in the development of the SEZ

Bashkortostan and Belarus will cooperate in the development of the SEZ

As part of the official visit of the delegation from the Republic of Belarus, the Bashkortostan Development Corporation signed an agreement on mutual cooperation with the Administration of the Gomel-Raton Free Economic Zone. The purpose of the Memorandum is to develop long—term mutually beneficial cooperation to attract investment.

— The signing of the Memorandum with our Belarusian colleagues is an important step aimed at developing business contacts, maintaining a favorable investment climate in the republics and introducing new international practices into the activities of preferential zones. In the course of our work, we intend to develop and implement mechanisms and joint action programs. From our side, we are ready to share our experience in managing the special economic zone “Alga” and attracting investors to its sites,” said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

According to the document, the joint work of the Development Corporation, which is the management company of the SEZ PPT “Alga”, and the Administration of the FEZ “Gomel-Raton” provides for informing about existing support measures, the implementation of joint investment projects and the creation of enterprises with foreign investments in the republics, as well as holding various events to familiarize the business community with the investment potential of Bashkortostan and Belarus.

For reference:

The Gomel-Raton Free Economic Zone is located in the south-east of the Republic of Belarus in the Gomel Region, a highly developed industrial region of the country. FEZ residents are companies from 15 countries of the world. Their products are supplied to the markets of 70 countries. The administration of the Gomel-Raton FEZ, in addition to consulting and registration activities, is engaged in the construction and modernization of engineering, transport and service infrastructure facilities to create the most comfortable working conditions for enterprises, actively defends the interests of its residents at various levels of government, participates in the development of tax and customs legislation, organizes advisory seminars with government representatives, tax and customs authorities, banks.