Ufa, Tukaeva, 46/1




The resident of the SEZ “Alga” shared his immediate plans for the implementation of the project

The resident of the SEZ “Alga” shared his immediate plans for the implementation of the project

The resident of the SEZ “Alga” — the company “M Synthesis” participates in the XI St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. Within its framework, the company’s management shared its immediate plans for the implementation of the project, the volume of investments in which will amount to about 6 billion rubles.

Earlier it was reported that at the sites of the special economic zone “Alga”, the management company of which is the Development Corporation, the enterprise will produce a cetane-boosting additive for diesel fuel types. The main consumers of the products will be Russian oil refineries. After reaching full capacity, the company intends to occupy 30-40% of the domestic market in this segment. Now additives for diesel are produced only by the Biysk Oleum Plant and the Dzerzhinsky Powder Plant.

As reported in “M Synthesis”, despite the geopolitical situation, the project is moving forward in compliance with the deadlines. The company has successfully passed an environmental assessment, and now it is undergoing hydro-testing. It is noted that the company actively uses the preferences operating in the SEZ and receives support in all emerging issues.