Ufa, Tukaeva, 46/1






From August 2 to 4, the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZ of Russia held strategic sessions for the team of the management company of the SEZ “Alga” of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The expert group of the AKIT of the Russian Federation included Daria Gulyaeva, Deputy Director for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development, Anna Helgren, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs, and Daria Litovchenko and Timofey Buneev, junior analysts of the Association.

During the events, three blocks of issues were worked out: environmental, social policy and corporate governance. The parties discussed ESG indicators, compliance with which is the basis for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

At the session on environmental policy, issues related to the rational use of water resources, compliance with atmospheric air quality, waste management, rational energy consumption, compliance with legislation in the field of environmental policy were raised.

The section devoted to social policy revealed in detail the standards of the management company’s work on personnel management, ensuring the health and safety of employees, infrastructure development, management systems and compliance with legislation in the field of social policy. The last, no less significant topic, corporate governance, concerned the importance of investments in sustainable development, competent interaction with residents, contractors and suppliers, anti-corruption policy and compliance with legislation in the field of corporate governance.

– Together with the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, we have worked out provisions that will form the basis of the Sustainable Development Strategy and the roadmap for the implementation of the sustainable development strategy of the SEZ “Alga”, – said Daria Gulyaeva.

Recall that as part of the preparation of the sustainable development report and the development of a sustainable development strategy, the AKIT of the Russian Federation conducted an ESG audit of the SEZ “Alga”. The Association’s experts noted the high level of work of the SEZ management company and the rapid development of the site. In 2022, the SEZ “Alga” and the industrial park “Ufa” became the first infrastructure sites in Russia that disclosed non-financial reporting.

Source: press service of the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZ of Russia